
Morning Nugs

A measure of freedom is the energy you don’t have to spend protecting your ego from the truth of the moment.

Food for thought: The lion doesn’t want to be fed. It wants to hunt. Does a warrior like to win… or do they need to fight? 😘😘

If you’re frustrated, stuck, and running out of patience, try ‘beginner’s mind’. Nothing gets old when it’s always new 😘

Sometimes risk is its own reward…LFG 😉😘

Loving people who act in conflict with themselves gets exhausting. Learn how to tell the truth to yourself. The people who love you will thank you.

Perfectionism is a defense mechanism, not a viable living framework. Embracing imperfections isn’t giving up, it’s choosing freedom.

I will prepare, and when my time comes, I will be ready.

Harness the power of body language today. Chest up, it’s working, keep going.


Radical Yoga Online Classes

It’s practice, practice, practice. Anyone who tells you otherwise is about to skip town.

Radical Yoga is an invitation to get honest with yourself about who you are and begin the compassionate process of removal of who you are not.